Foundation Repair

Foundation Repair: Restoring Structural Integrity

As a foundation repair company this is obviously the main service that we provide. What we want to do here is talk about how to go about handling repairs. More often than not people come to us with a sense of suspicion that they may have a foundation issue. Very rarely do we see situations where the problem is clear as day. We can just say this home needs leveling asap! What typically happens is that we go through a whole process that involves inspections, and at times even third inspections. We then draw out a plan to fix the issue at hand. Here’s the process in a bit more detail.


How Do You Know That You May Have A Foundation Issue?

There are a couple of signs that you don’t want to ignore. Sinking floors, and flooded crawl spaces are some of the clearest ones. Of course, the crawlspace may flood for other reasons. What you don’t want though is to not act on a flooded crawlspace. Get that cleaned up as soon as you can. The other very clear sign that something’s up are “active cracks' '. These are cracks in your walls that are still open longer or wider as time goes on.  


Inspection Is Always The First Step

We hammer this point home a lot. It goes back to what we mentioned before about the signs that you may be in trouble. Just because there is a crack in the wall doesn’t mean that you need to think about leveling your foundation. What we want to do is make sure that the homeowners that contact us don’t freak out first and foremost. A lot of bad contractors use that desperation to force people into accepting overly expensive repair budgets. Proper and thorough inspection is always going to be the best way to find the true problems.


How The Type of Foundation That You Have Affects The Process

The type of solutions that we’re going to be able to offer to the foundation issues that we ultimately will heavily depend on the type of foundation that we’re dealing with. Now, this shouldn’t be something that’s overly concerning. At the end of the day we’re going to be able to find a solution to your problem that fits the type of foundation that you have. We talk about this though because sometimes people are looking for a specific procedure to have performed on their foundation. When the type of foundation that they have requires another repair method.


You Have The Final Say In Each Situation 

This is something that we want to be very clear about. Our team can provide a set of options regarding what we feel is the best way forward. You may think that you need a second opinion after the one that we provide. We understand that sometimes foundation repairs are very serious endeavors and as a homeowner you feel the pressure to make sure you’re making the right call. If you need a second opinion from a third party or independent engineer you can do your due diligence before you commit to any of the services that we provide.

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a man is placing a block of concrete into a wall

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