
Waterproofing: Innovative Water Repellent Solutions

Waterproofing is one of the services that we get the most calls about. Many homeowners are thankfully conscious about the fact that water leakage and flooding are some of the main causes of structural damage in general. Therefore, preventive waterproofing is going to be one of the best ways to make sure that you’re not dealing with major situations in the future. Just like there are different ways to repair a foundation there are also different ways to waterproof. Our goal for this particular service is to find the right solution for your specific needs. 


When Is The Best Time To Waterproof?

It’s always going to be before the heavy rain season comes along. The problem that we’re seeing more and more of though is that with rain seemingly falling unexpectedly on certain dates some homes are just not prepared. The good thing is that if you’re waterproofing “regularly” you’re going to be covered. Even if we get rains outside of the main rain season if you will. You really want to be proactive with this. Instead of trying to waterproof when you’ve got water all over the house already. 


Does This Need To Be Something You Do Every Year

We never want to give out too many general guidelines when it comes to how long things should last. This is because you may be ok waterproofing a particular area even once every three years. Meanwhile, other homes are going to need to check up on their waterproofing maybe even every six months. Particularly if you’ve got for example a basement where water just naturally likes to flow through. Whatever efforts we’re putting in to waterproofing those areas are naturally going to go through more wear and tear than other spots where water just doesn’t naturally flow to all that often.


Repair Then Waterproof

At times we get calls about potentially waterproofing services. When we arrive we realize that the crawlspace is rather beaten down. The best course of action is going to be to repair the area and then go about waterproofing it. We just want to clear the air here a bit. This is not a procedure that we’re going to recommend just to make our services more expensive. At the end of the day if there was nothing to repair then we would obviously not recommend repairs. On the other hand if we’re just waterproofing a battered basement there’s a good chance that the waterproofing won’t be as effective.


Why It Makes Sense To Book This Service From A Foundation Repair Company

We’ve seen in the past that general contractors and even other types of companies offer waterproofing services. To be fair just because they are not a foundation repair company does not mean that they can’t do a good job with waterproofing. If they spot some type of foundation issue or wear and tear within a crawl space they might suggest you call a foundation repair company. Our guys will be able to not only waterproof, but directly handle the issues that could come up as we’re inspecting the area that we’re waterproofing.

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